unsocial aes profile: kylin

In a world where men are told that what he can provide will determine his worth there is not much room for trying to soften the role in life for a man, a black man specifically. However the concept of masculine vulnerability is still very much evolving because of innovators standing up and speaking on having more of a balance when it comes to men being softer and being in tune with their mental health..

It’s also the artists of today that are very much so helping change this narrative as well. While there is still much toxicity in today’s industry artists are stepping forward and being bold about their vulnerabilities through amazing RnB and neo-soul music. One of those artists is Baltimore born artist Kylin..

When it comes to describing Kylin the words creative icon immediately comes to mind, especially when it comes to experimental RnB. He has a way of bringing raw emotion and experience to his music. Starting in high school he was first recognized for his talents on accident by performing the Michael Jackson record “P.Y.T” in his classroom and a classmate recorded him, making other students and his music teacher push him into taking his music way more seriously. From there he began teaching himself how to engineer his own music and that really began his journey into finding his own sound..

He gives a lot of his inspiration for his style to his upbringing in East Baltimore, being from there you couldn’t be soft or weak coming from where he lived. That being said he chooses to live boldly through his music and his fashion and acting pursuits. When he met the legendary Lyrical of Lyrical Eyes management through a previous manager he came to a hard decision to either put his very best efforts forth when it comes to his music, or never discover his own potential. With more singles on the way and a project coming out in the early fall we can tell he made the right choice..

Kylin really wants the world to understand that his ability to communicate his vulnerabilities through his music is something he is very proud of. When his album drops he wants everyone to follow his ways and be more in tune with their own emotions and mental health. He speaks on how he didn’t know how to open up to his parents at one time and it was because he didn’t think neither they nor anyone else would understand him. His music was always the exception. He is ready to change the way things work with his music and artistry. We can’t wait for everyone to know what we already know. Which is that Kylin is going to be a force to be reckoned with..


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