enter the process..an album experience

Please know that this was a legendary evening not because of the line up..

But because every individual who contributed to this has a special love for Chicago and it’s impact in art & community..

This is about giving flowers and showing love as much as we can..

Thank you to everyone that came out to celebrate Damon Williams’s new album coming out called #InProcess

But a special thank you to the following..

Stock Marley 

Rhea The Second 


Asha Omega 

Thank you for all that you do 2heavy

Again we can’t thank @chairsmusical and @promontory enough for allowing us to manifest this..

it means so much..


Official Recap video coming soon!


Doing our best to cover our cities art and community progression


unsocial aes showcase 1.5 photo recap


l3ts talk about it recap photos